Meet Pakistan via sound waves. Explore unrivaled destinations from a new perspective. Fill your adventure with unique taste of Pakistani cuisine.
Meet Pakistan via sound waves. Explore unrivaled destinations from a new perspective. Fill your adventure with unique taste of Pakistani cuisine.
Get daily news review and analyses by top ranked analysts on all important events at national and international levels and much more. Keep in touch to abreast yourself with latest happenings across the globe.
With us you can stay updated with the upcoming sports events, know about popular players and analyze their current performance. Stay in touch and get updated on the latest sports news.
Find latest discoveries in science, health, the environment, technology, education, and more from our leading universities and research organizations.
Selection of audio material covering a broad spectrum of subjects from Pakistani Literature including rare interviews of popular poets, book reviews, cultural history, languages, philosophy, poetry, and much more. Listen to popular voices.
What is more important to know about than what you eat? Let us tell you about how your food is grown and who are behind that whole tiresome process.
Rich content from the archives of Radio Pakistan from audio drama to an array of music genres produced over a period of more than 70 years.
Selection from an array of Religious programs of Radio Pakistan including talks, seminars, Tilawat o Tarjuma and expert opinion on Islamic code of life
Our Health programs bridges the gap between lifestyle and medical know how by delivering trusted health information and resources along with the stories, tips, tools, and insights in different audio formats.
A detailed preview of the government projects aimed at public well being both at macro and micro levels.
When your child wants to know why the sky is blue, how a tornado forms, or who invented the TV, head on over here. Kids informing and amusing kids. Chit chat, poems, jokes, book reading and skits, all performed by kids themselves.
Man is a social animal and politics is essential for uplift and development of the society
Frontline forces of the country are pride of the nation. Nations can dream of their socio-economic progress and development only when they are sure that their guardians are strong enough to ensure protection and peace.